image of walking lunge

What are Walking Lunges?

What are walking lunges?image of walking lunge

Walking lunges, sometimes referred to as travelling lunges are a variation of lunges where the exerciser actually travels forward while lunging instead of staying in place as with lunges or step back lunges or TRX lunges.

How to do a walking lunge

The proper technique of a walking lunge depends on the type of lunge you are doing. But, on all lunges, the exercise should maintain a tall, neutral spine. Too commonly is to see someone leaning forward, slumped at the waist while lunging. That places strain on the spine. For specific for each type of lunge, see below.

Types of Walking lunges

Straight trail leg: On this type of lunge, you should lunge forward until just before your knee goes past your foot. Your spine should stay tall. The trailing leg should remain as straight as is comfortably possible. The put most of the emphasis on the lead leg.

Deep trail leg: On this lunge, proceed as with the straight trail leg lunge, but instead of maintaining a straight trail leg, allow the trail knee to bend and proceed until just before the trailing knee touches the floor. This lunge puts emphasis on both legs.

Palm to floor: For this knee, lunge all the way forward until you can touch your palms to the floor in front of you. This brings the knees forward past the foot into a deep lunge. Because of the forward knee position, it is not recommended to use much weight for this exercise.

Lunges with weightswalking lunge with a barbell

As with any strength exercise, you should be using a weight that causes you to fatigue within the desired number of repetitions. If you get fatigued with just your body weight, there is no need to add weight. If though, your body weight does not bring fatigue within about 20 repetitions, you will need to add resistance. That can come by either holding dumbbells or a barbell.

Dumbbell walking lunge

Dumbbells are convenient because they are compact. They can either be held at your sides or at your shoulders. The disadvantage of using dumbbells is that your arms may fatigue before your legs do.

Barbell Walking Lunge

Barbells are good for lunging if you require a larger amount of resistance for your lunges. It keeps your arms from getting tired before your legs. The disadvantage of lunging with a barbell is that they take up space as you move forward and can be dangerous for other exercisers in your area.

Mike Caton