Workout Routine for Beginners

Workout Routine for Beginners

We’ve all been there: You’ve let yourself go, you’ve fallen off the exercise wagon and now you’re ready to get back on. But, you’re a little older and a few pounds heavier than last time you were in great shape. You wonder…should I take a slower approach?

If you’re smart, you’re wondering that very thing. Well, the answer is, YES. It’s really not a good idea to jump right back into the workout routine you did when you were last in shape. It’s a good way to get discouraged and possibly hurt. You need to take a step back, wrap your head around the fact that you’re starting fresh, and actually start from the beginning.

At this point you have a decision to make: Do you create your own custom program or do you get your hands on a packaged exercise program. Either is fine. I’ll discuss both.

Create Your Own Program

Here’s some things to consider with your custom program: Note: I will soon be writing a whole blog series on this topic. This is an extreme overview. if it’s very frustrating, post your questions below.

  • Make sure to include exercises for strength, cardio and flexibility
  • It should last 15-45 mins per day
  • 3-6 days per week is optimal. The higher range is especially for those seeking weight loss or fat loss.
  • Take it one week at a time: Start very conservatively the first week. If you still have any soreness or tightness, stay at the same level for another week. If you feel good, bump up the intensity  a bit. At the end of each week, do the same analysis.

My 4 Week Workout Routine for Beginners

I’m creating a workout program that is designed to burn body and get rid of your love handles. Send me a note if you’d be interested in getting it and I’ll notify you once I’m ready. Expected to be finished by 10/2021. In the meantime, I’m always available for online training